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15/10/2012 6:45 PM  #1

Fantasy Football - Octobers latest score update

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2012/13 Fantasy Football Octobers Skake-up

Norge (Bjorn Hersdal) sees their lead cut to just 9 points after Hardenhuish Park (Gary & Sophie Nokes) raked up a very impressive 140 points. The Biggest League Table mover is Bazzers Babes (Barry Stephens) shooting up 8 places into 7th. The biggest loser was The Dream Team (Allan & Lyn Cooper) falling to earth faster than Felix Baumgartner and dropping 7 places. The table is looking incredibly tight from top to bottom and its the start of league cup madness this week.

To view the league final table for September,  and all the scores go to the Fantasy Football section of

Less of politics, every dog has it`s day....J Lydon

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